
08/24/2024 – Grand Opening of the New London Avenue School Museum

Friends of School Hill Association cordially invites you to attend the Grand Opening of the New London Avenue School Museum. The theme of the opening will be The History of Schools Attended by New London Avenue Community Students. Additionally, one of the displays will focus on the DuPont Schools in Delaware. We look forward to celebrating the day with you.

Download Attached Flyer.

11/6 to 11/10/2023 – FOSHA Veterans Exhibit

The FOSHA Veterans Exhibit will be on display at the University of Delaware, Morris Library Reading Room from Monday, November 6, 2023 to Friday, November 10, 2023. On that Friday, there will be a keynote speaker on the topic of the Montford Point Marines. Free and open to the public.

Registration is requested at this LINK.