Robert (Bob) Anderson was born and raised in Salem, Virginia, where he graduated from George Washington Carver High School. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Barber Scotia College in Concord, North Carolina, and a Master of Arts Degree in School Administration from Villanova University.
He came to Newark, Delaware in June 1969 when he was hired to assist in writing a Black Studies Curriculum and teach United States History. During his tenure with the Christina School District, he coached track and field, was Assistant Principal of Central Middle School, Associate Principal of Christian High School, and Principal of Gauger Middle School and Glasgow High School. He is the owner of Bridge 2 Achievement, Education Consulting.
Bob was a founding member of Newark Community Days, is a Scottish Rights Mason, a member of Phi Beta Kappa and a Silver Life Member of the NAACP. He is President of the Trustee Ministry at the Historic St. John African Methodist Church.
He is married to Joyce Anderson, an outstanding educator in her own right, and has one son, Robert Anderson, Jr.